EdgeFast is one of the FASTEST and EASIEST decking systems you'll ever use!
Place it once and shoot twice! EDGE Fast locks two edges of PVC and most wood square edge decking with just one placement over the joist. EDGE Fast makes a positive connection of decking to joist without any lateral movement.
The EDGE Fast Patent Pending pnuematic tool has interchangeable decking gap guides from 0, 1/8", 3/16" & 1/4", or a custom gap of your choice. Patent Pending Fasteners have a stepped cross section for strength and to avoid splitting the joist below. Fasteners double point keep a true drive at either pivot point. Patent Pending Fasteners are collated for easy handling and quick loading. Available in 304 stainless steel or more economical EDGEcoat steel (ACQ Approved).
EDGEfast Hidden Fastener Decking System
Introducing the newest tool to the HIDfast Family. EDGEfast. Place it once and shoot it twice. Comes with gap spacer plates that easily install onto the tool in under a minute. Gap spacer plates are 0",1/8",3/16" & 1/4". Tool holds 4 clips of 25 fasteners each. Please visit www.hidfast.com for installation information.
More Details+Reg. Price $399.99 $349.99 On Sale!

EDGEfast EF2.25SS Fasteners
Package Quantity 350 2 1/4" Stainless Steel Fasteners for use in the EDGEfast Decking Tool.
More Details+Reg. Price $104.15 $96.50 On Sale!

EDGEfast EF2.25EC Fasteners
Package Quantity 350 2 1/4" EDGEcoat (ACQ Approved) Fasteners for use in the EDGEfast Decking Tool.
More Details+Price $49.99