Fastener Express provides fastener sales, service repair, and jobsite delivery for many fastener brands in the industry including HIDFast and EDGEFast.

Fastenmaster 3 1/2" Flatlok is a multi-purpose structural wood screws for fastening multi-ply LVL & girder trusses
• Flat head allows for easy finishing including drywall or trim
• Approved for single-sided installation
• Features a TORX® ttap® drive system that maximizes bit fit, reducing stripping potential. 250pcs.

Fastenmaster 5" FlatLOK is a multi purpose structural wood-to-wood fastener that is an alternative fastening method to using nails and through bolts when attaching multi-ply LVL, dimensional beams and girder trusses. The flat head sits flush, allowing for easy application of drywall or trim. 250pcs.